
Posts Tagged ‘monetary policy’

Liberty and the Law

December 6, 2011 Leave a comment

In the near future, the citizens of The United States of America could face the situation where man’s basic freedoms – the rights given to the people under the First Amendment to the Constitution which includes freedom of speech, expression, press, assembly, worship, right to vote, right to equality in public places without any interference or restriction from the government, also known as Civil Liberties  – will end.

Its form is totalitarian or tyranny. How does it happen? Is it possible for a country to go from liberty and freedom to tyranny? If we move to a state of tyranny, is it really that bad? Read more…

A Tax on Anybody is a Tax on Everybody

October 6, 2011 2 comments

The Senate of the US is about to increase our taxes to support Obama’s jobs bill.  The American people are pushing for it.  Why?  Are we really that STUPID?

Check out CNN’s point of view on the matter.  They hail Harry Reid as a hero for finding a solution to the problem of how to pay for the jobs bill.  Maybe it’s because Harry Reid is a Mormon and Mormons believe in the Law of Consecration, which is to take from everyone who has produced (the wealthy), place it in the hands of the centralized leaders (the bishop or governing body, a.k.a. government) to the distribute that earned wealth to the “needy” and the “poor” (a.k.a. non-producers and consumers).  Maybe it’s because he’s a fan of Keynesian Economics.

Whether you look at from a Mormon’s perspective or a Keynesian’s perspective, Read more…

New Poll Shows 90% of Americans Believe the Economy Sucks

September 30, 2011 1 comment

According to CNN and ORC International, a polling company who decides its stats for the entire country by a mere 1,000 people, the US economy sucks.  With a 9.1% official unemployment rate, where most of the real unemployed are not included in the rate, and a housing market that is growing in inventory faster than it can sell, it’s true; this economy is down.

In some of CNN’s finger pointing, however, they still want to hold onto the previous administration. They want to blame President Bush for the mess, with only a small fraction of the people thinking the Obama administration is to blame.

With absolutely no mention of the Congress (both the Senate and the House), who holds greater power and responsibility of our monetary policies, budgets and laws; and only a small portion of the article going toward the poor, picked-on Fed and Ben Bernanke;

it’s no wonder why the people who read and believe this nonsense fight for Obama and Bernanke.  Read more…